What is the best way to introduce such an illustrious character without running the risk of appearing overly petulant and pretentious?
Before anything else, it should be said as clearly as possible that this is “Allan Kardec reincarnated”.
In order to clarify and validate this statement, it is worth transcribing what was said to Him in a previous incarnation, on June 10, 1860, at his home, by Mrs. Schmidt, a medium, about his having to return to the spiritual plane “for a while”.
In reply to the question asked by the wise man from Lyon, who wished to understand the meaning of such words, this was the answer:
“You shall not remain among us for very long; you must come back to complete your mission, which will not be concluded during this existence.”
“If it were possible, you would remain here; but the natural law must be obeyed.”
“You shall be absent for a few years and, when you come back, it shall be under circumstances that will allow you to conduct your work more successfully.”
The distinguished Codifier immediately said, as an “observation”:
“If I calculate the approximate duration of the work I have left to do and take into account the time of my absence, that of childhood and youth, until the age at which a man can play a role in the world, I should come back at the end of this century or the beginning of the next” (Posthumous Work, pp. 227 / 228 – LAKE – Livraria Allan Kardec Editora).
Actually, his return to the flesh goes back to well-known prophecy made by Jesus when, two thousand years ago, he warned the Hebrews, who were kept simple, illiterate and spiritually immature by the clergy at the time, “I have many things to tell you, but you cannot bear them now” (because they were not capable of understanding) and “Elijah is to come and He is to restore all things”.
This spirit, like Jesus, was christified in other worlds, had many well-known incarnations, such as Ramah, Krishna, Zoroaster, Orpheus, Hermes, Pythagoras, Plato, Enoch, Moses, Elijah, Ezekiel, John the Baptist, Francis of Assisi, John Huss, José de Anchieta, Voltaire and Kardec, and told us that, while still in the astral plane, He received orders to prepare for a new incarnation in Brazil.
He was told at the time: “Elijah, son, gather the servers and go to the Land of the Southern Cross, because there, in Atlantis Rediscovered, where the mother Bible was delivered by the name of POPOL BUGG, the last one shall also be delivered and it shall be called EVERLASTING GOSPEL, as promised in the Apocalypse, chapter 14, verses 1 to 6”.
Thus, complying with what had been determined by God, and in agreement with the news in “Posthumous Work” (Allan Kardec), He reincarnated on June 5, 1910, under the name OSVALDO POLIDORO, in the city He had helped found when He was José de Anchieta.
At the time, there were few people living in the East of the city of São Paulo. Most of it was virgin forests and unexplored territory.
This place was the Capital of the Ancient civilization of Atlantis.
Since He was a boy, gifted with exceptional mediumship powers, He made extraordinary contacts with the spiritual world.
He was told that He should buy a Jewish-Christian Bible because He would write about It during his whole incarnation.
When He was approximately 15, He received celestial advice not to worry about his task, because spiritual connections would be made so He could have direct communication with the High Planes of Spiritual Life.
He immediately started writing about the Doctrine.
His first work was: “What have you done with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?” and, from then on, He never stopped writing. He was considered a phenomenon due to the speed with which He wrote (more than 30 books written in 5 years). He donated His copyright of all His books.
He helped found the current São Paulo State Spiritist Federation and was in close contact with spiritist leaders of the time, such as Herculano Pires, Edgard Armond, Hernani Guimarães Andrade among others; many of his books were published by LAKE.
He distanced himself from both the Federation and from LAKE, because they wanted to “dogmatize about Kardec” and because they did not accept the “restoration”, which He came to conclude. When He was Kardec, He could not write about the Book of Acts, the Epistles and the Apocalypse, because some of the truths could not be taken at the time, unless He wanted to cause more bloodshed and impair what had been done thus far. In this incarnation, He dared to write about these important biblical topics.
From the over one hundred Doctrinal Works written, some are still in their original form, waiting for an opportunity to be published.
His main work, the BOOK of all books: EVERLASTING GOSPEL AND PRODIGIOUS PRAYERS – prophesized in the Apocalypse 14, 6 (“And I saw another angel flying through the midst of heaven, having the Everlasting Gospel, to preach unto them that sit upon the Earth and over every nation and tribe and tongue and people”) – is already available, and can be found at major bookshops.
With this Supreme Opus, He founded “DIVINISM”.
He considers Spiritism, a term coined by Him, the “beginning” of the restoration in the 19th century, simply a stage, one more “step” in the evolution scale of the Doctrine of the Path of the Lord.
He invites everyone “to take one more step forward” in the Path of TRUTH.
All of this is in agreement with His own teaching during that century, that is, the “evolution is continuous”.
One must never stop. One must move forward, at the risk of defying this Fundamental Divine Law, and becoming a stumbling block across the Path of Truth…
He warns us that it is time to stop “tangible” phenomena and to nurture “intelligent” ones in their place and, as a result, active medium abilities will prevail over passive ones.
This Spirit, that has already completed its evolution and is now deified, or completely Reintegrated into the Principle, believes the CONCLUSION OF THE RESTORATION to be complete, leaving only:
Osvaldo Polidoro disincarnated on December 25, 2000.
Elijah’s (now Osvaldo Polidoro) Messianism is for the Principle, or God, the One Absolute Lord, and not failed and neglectful messengers of God – in the name of whom, humanity has segregated into factions, who have been hating and murdering each other for millennia.
Considering that the Book EVERLASTING GOSPEL AND PRODIGIOUS PRAYERS is the Final Bible, promised by God in the Apocalypse, 14, 1 to 6, it is clear that it contains Divine Wisdom and Prodigious Prayers that cannot be found in the stacks of supposedly indoctrinating books. The strict Divine Justice shall prove it, as announced by Jesus and the Apocalypse, to those who come to deserve the next Evolution Cycles, pointed out in chapter 21 of the Apocalypse.
POLIDORO, Osvaldo; Everlasting Gospel and Prodigious Prayers, page 11.
________________; A Caminho do Céu, Prefácio, por E. H. Sampaio Alves.
________________; On the Way to Heaven, prefaced by E. H. Sampaio Alves.
________________; Immortal Truths, prefaced by E. H. Sampaio Alves.
________________; Leaflets.
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