


I Am the Absolute Essence, I am Archi-natural,
Omniscient and Omnipresent, I am the Universal Mind,
I am the Original Cause, I am the Omnipotent Father,
I am Distinct and I am All, I am Ambivalent.

I am Outside and Inside, I am Above and Underneath,
I am the Whole and the Part, I Am that which encompasses all,
Being the Divine Essence, I Reveal Myself also in Emanation,
And I Breathe in My Work, being both the Whole and the Fraction.

I am in your depths, always Maintaining you,
Since I Am your Existence, your Reason for Being,
And I Speak to your intimacy, and to your exterior,
I Am in the brain and in the heart, because I Am the Lord.

Come, therefore, to My Temple, return hence to Me,
I Am in you and in Infinity, I Am the Beginning and I Am the End,
You are children of My Mind, you will always be gods,
And marching towards the Truth, you will destroy your crosses.

Do not deliver yourselves to mysteries, enigmas, and rituals,
I want Truth and Virtue, none of those “isms,”
From Me the Laws proceed, and when you have grown in them,
You will grow in My Matters, in order to have My Glories.

I do not Come and I do not Go, I Am the Eternal and the Present,
I have always Been and Will always Be, in you, the Evident Divine Essence,
Your presence is in Me, and I Want it to be full and mature,
Above any simulations, glorifying in Me the Eternal Life.

Abandoning the retrograde and morbid routes
That remind of idolatrous times and filthy paganisms,
Seek Me in the Inner Temple, in Virtue and Truth,
And united with Me you will have, in Me, Glory and Freedom.

I Have Always Been, I Am and Will Be in you the Source of Clemency,
Awaiting your Holiness, in Integral Consciousness,
Because I do not want forms and residues, but conscious children,
Children who are My collaborators, by the Union of Our Minds.

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